LAWRENCE, KS, April 2, 2014 – April is Earth Month, and local retailers and restaurants are partnering with Green Wish Lawrence to show their support for the community and the planet.
Green Wish is a grassroots, non-profit organization that funds local, green organizations through customers’ small donations at local retailers. Put simply: It’s a charity that helps fund the green projects in your neighborhood.
Green Wish partners with Lawrence businesses that donate a percent of sales or place donation cards right at their cash registers. Customers can “buy” and add Green Wish donations on to their purchase at the retailer. These donations are collected by Green Wish Lawrence and ninety cents of every dollar goes to the following local groups:
- Friends of the Kaw to build access ramps to the river
- Sustainability Action Network to sustain permaculture gardens on Pennsylvania Street
- Black Jack Battlefield Nature Park to make better trails to enjoy the beauty of the preserved prairie land
- Community Mercantile Education Foundation to support Lawrence school gardens
- Sustainable Sanctuary Coalition to aid in educating places of worship on how to be more sustainable
The following businesses are showing their support for the month of April:
- Cottin’s Hardware and Rental
- UNI Computers
- The Community Mercantile
- Jayhawk Pharmacy
- Ecologic Drycleaners
- The Frame Shop
These restaurants are contributing 10% of profits on specific days of April:
- Merchant’s Pub & Plate – April 21st
- Limestone – April 22nd
- Pachamama’s – April 24th
- 715 Restaurant – ongoing sponsor
To show your support for local, green initiatives, be sure to visit these retailers and restaurants during Earth Month! By giving of your coins, we can all make real change!
For more information, please contact Victoria Bogner, Green Wish Lawrence President, at or visit to learn more.