Buying Green can mean not buying at all. Borrow, go to swap meets and check out Craigslist or second hand stores.
- If you can’t find fresh, forage at the freezer section. Frozen produce packs more nutrition than caned ones.
- If every household replaced just one pack of regular napkins with cloth napkins, we could save 1 million trees.
- Don’t toss out your old sheets and towels where they will end up in a landfill – instead, donate them to your local animal shelter.
- The UN estimates that if Americans ate one plant-based meal per week – just one meal, the environmental impact would be equivalent to taking 5 million cars off the road.
- Don’t pour out Nemo’s old aquarium water! Its great food for your plants with lots of nitrogen & other nutrients.
- When at a bar or pub, choose beer from the tap rather than a bottle. Beer from a keg has a lighter environmental impact (less packaging) than beer in bottles or cans.
- Bring you used (burnt out) CFL bulbs to Lowe’s or Ikea to properly dispose of them.
- Cleaning your dryer’s lint filter can slash its energy usage by as much as 30%.
“Live simply so that others may simply live.” – Gandhi
– Contributed by Green Wish board member Patie Maloney