For Charities
Interested in becoming a beneficiary charity?
Green Wish is a grassroots, non-profit charitable organization that is focused on helping local green organizations fund projects for their communities through small donations at local retailers (in $1, $3 and $5 dollar denominations) and online in “pay what you can” denominations.
All organizations are vetted by the board and alternate, leaving room for other groups to participate. Our mission is to collect money for smaller local groups that are very deserving and in much need of support.
We currently fundraise for environmental non-profits in Southern California and in Lawrence, KS.
To be considered eligible for funding from Green Wish, we ask that your organization meets the following Guidelines:
Green Wish funds environmental nonprofit organizations with a 501(c)3 status, preferably focused on land, air, water, and/or sustainability education. Individuals wishing to propose a project must partner with an eligible organization.
Green Wish funds nonprofit organizations located in SoCal and in Northeast Kansas, (specifically Lawrence and the surrounding communities east of Lawrence to the Kansas City, KS border.)
Green Wish specifically supports organizations whose work advances sustainability and preserving the environment for future generations. Proposed projects must work directly to educate citizens, improve or preserve the quality of air, land, or water, or conduct critical research on sustainability. We are interested in partnering with place-based organizations which work to connect citizens with resources and tools they can use to support the three pillars of sustainability (environmental quality, economic vitality, and social equity).
We fund work that is strategic, action-oriented, and results in measurable outcomes.
Green Wish recognizes the importance of supporting existing programs as well as new initiatives, therefore, applicants can apply for operational funding or for funding for a specific new initiative.
- Green Wish does not fund political campaigns, religious organizations, endowment funds, or lobbying activities.
If your organization or project meets all of the above guidelines, we invite you to submit a Green Wish Grant Application. Thank you for your interest!
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